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  3. Release Note - January 29th 2023

Multi-date key events

Last resource that had not yet benefited from the multi-key dates, it is now done!

The multi-key dates is a major change on HeyTeam.

Before his arrival, each program functioned as a series of actions relating to a key date: the date of arrival, the date of change of post or the date of departure.

From now on, you have the possibility to configure several key dates on the same program, and to configure your events in relation to these additional key dates and not only in relation to the main key date!

Do not hesitate to consult this article which tells you in detail about the configuration of the multi-key dates and its use cases.

The multi-key dates on events allows the management of promotions or even integration / training events.

The multi-key dates applied to events makes it possible to automate certain actions of companies that welcome promotions of newcomers and wish to animate these promotions.

People joining the company do not therefore necessarily have the same date of arrival in the company but have dates of common events (eg: morning meeting of the promotion, January promotion evening, monthly HR training, etc.), all these dates can be set as reference dates (additional key dates) in the program in order to be common to onboardees even if they do not have the same arrival date.

Use cases: Onboarding Day, work-study meeting, training day, sports morning....