This article will guide you through the use of the HeyTeam tool!
How can I see the path my new employee will go through?
Go to your new employee's program:
- from the dashboard by clicking on their name
- from Programs > Onboarding by searching for their name -> Then -> Enrollee actions
How can I view their answers to the questionnaires?
- From the top menu, click on the Resources tab
- Access the list of questionnaires set up on the platform, then just select the questionnaire you're interested in and click on the "Results" tab.
- You can also export the results by clicking on the Export button on the top right.
How can I follow the emails sent from HeyTeam?
- Go to your new teammate's program:
- from the dashboard by clicking on name
- from Programs > Onboarding
- Click on the "Activities" tab and then "emails".
- By clicking on a specific email, you can see the content of this email, the email address to which it was sent as well as the date and time it was sent.
How can I consult my collaborator's administrative documents?
Go to your new collaborator's program:
- From the dashboard by clicking on their name
- From Programs > onboarding and searching for their name
- Click on the "Administrative" tab to access the administrative documents

Tracking progress: completion rate and health status
When you go to Programs > Onboarding, you have the list of collaborators displayed with an indication of the program completion rate and health status for each one.
Progress rate: for the collaborator on the left and his onboarding team on the right, is is the number of tasks completed by the onboardee / the number of tasks the onboardee has to do at the moment (not counting those that are not yet overdue).
Health state: display of the overall status of the program (taking into account the actions of other stakeholders (manager, payroll manager, HR Pool...).
- Green: 0 tasks overdue
- Orange: 1-15 tasks overdue
- Red: >= 16 overdue tasks
Can I remind my employee about their overdue tasks?
- From your dashboard, click on the "Number of overdue programs" block.
- Access the list of overdue programs, then just select the collaborator you are interested in and click on the "Send a reminder" button.
- Your new employee and all the stakeholders who are late on their actions will receive an email reminding them of the actions that are overdue on the program and be invited to them to connect to HeyTeam.