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  3. Release note - March 10th 2023

New data - report page

The report page, accessible from the dashboard then the left tab entitled "Report", is a page grouping certain data from the platform in the form of graphs and tables.

This page is now accessible by all administrators of the platform.

You could find there so far:

  • The percentage of activation of onboarded and manager accounts
  • The number of onboardings created per month
  • The number of messages sent on HeyTeam
  • ...

Since mid-March 2023, new charts have been added to this list. 🎉

  • We now have a graph on the number of connections on the platform:

  • A graph of the average completion rate of onboardees with an arrival date within the rolling 3 months (today +1.5 months, -1.5 months).


  • A table displaying the list of onboardees with an arrival date within the rolling 3 months as well as their completion rate, in order to facilitate analysis and detection of delays.

  • Completion tables for each resource (actions, questionnaires, administrative documents...). In order to identify the most complete resources and those which are less so in order to adapt the onboarding process accordingly.