How to personalize your Company page?

The Company page is central for the communication with your new employees.

Tutorial: Customizing and Setting up the Company Page

REMINDER: all the information presented in this article concerns people with administrator status. If your status or authorizations are set to "standard", your access to the platform's features will be limited.

What is the company page?

This page allows you to present the company, its missions, its values, and to provide photo or video carroussels. A creative presentation to provide your future employee with a first immersion in the company!

Here, you can add :

  • A description of the company and its missions
  • Some informative numbers
  • Carousels of photos and videos presenting the teams, offices, projects... (the ideal size of the images is 1024x768)
  • Your values
  • Your benefits
  • Company documents
  • Links to your social media

You can access them from the menu at the top of your screen.

How to update the Company page?

Go to the Settings tab and then click on "Company".

You can:

  • Add your logo

  • Choose the primary color of your platform

  • Add text in the "About" and "Missions" blocks

  • Fill in the information (Date of creation, Number of employees)

  • Add carousels of photos / videos (Recommendation of format and size for photos: landscape format and size of 1024x768px.)

  • Add your values / benefits
  • Add corporate documents (files or links)

Impact on preboarding

Some elements of the company page will be included in the chatbot's preboarding screens (during the onboardees' first login to the platform).