How to manage languages in HeyTeam?

In the platform settings you will find the language settings for your platform in the "Languages" section. You can then translate all the resources and launch a new program in the selected languages.

Tutorial : Setting up languages on the platform

How to select the languages of your platform?

In this tab, select all the languages you want to make available for your courses. You will then be able to translate the content of your resources into each of these languages.

How to translate content

In the "Resource" menu, when you set up a resource, you can translate it into all the languages previously selected for the platform.

Example: I am setting up a document. I can translate its description into English, French, Spanish and German. I can also add the document in each of these languages.

When you launch a course (onboarding or other), you will have to choose the language of the course and then, all the resources will be automatically generated in this chosen language.

🚨 NB: if you have not translated all your content, the resources will be generated in the language of the platform by default (usually French or English, depending on what you'll have selected).