Tutorial : Creating an administrative requierement
Where do I create an Administrative requierement?
- Go to your Resources, then to Requierements,
- Click on the "Add" button in the upper right corner to add a new requierement
- Fill in
- Parameters : Name of the requierement, description, "ask after" : allows you to choose the order in which the requierement is asked to the onboardee, the authorizations (who can access this resource).
- Targeting: Filter the onboarding programs for which you want to collect this administrative requierement.
- Content: The type (text e.g. emergency contact; official document e.g. diploma, health insurance card certificate; document to be signed e.g. contract, health insurance; date, etc.). This is also where you can choose if you want to make this requierement mandatory or not.
- Scheduling :
- Choose a date of return: date on which the onboardee must have downloaded this requierement.
- Choose a date of availability: date from which the onboardee will have the possibility to upload the attachment on the platform.
How to add multi-signatories in administrative requierement?
On certain administrative requierement categories, you can add multiple signatories on the requierements to be signed.
→ If inside your category, you have added requierements to be signed, you can have several signatories.

In the "targeting" part of your category, you just added the signatories in the "add contributors part".
⚠️ The main completer of the resource is already one of the signatories because he is the first one to complete the requested admin parts.
Once the main completer has finished his part, each signatory receives in their dashboard the action to add their signatures.