How to create an action?

Actions are a kind of TO-DO list that guides stakeholders on the actions they have to perform at each step.

Tutorial: Creating an action

Where can I create an action?

  • Go to Resources
  • Click on Actions

  • To :
      • Edit: click on the action you want
      • Add: click on the Add button

Action Settings:

Fill in the fields:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Select the concerned program.
  • Assign the action
  • Choose who should perform it
  • Select the onboarding filters (for which type of profiles the action will be performed)
  • Set the date on which the action must be completed ("due date")
  • Set the availability date (always visible or just visible X days before the expected completion date)
  • Click on "Add".

PLEASE NOTE: When assigning responsibilities, you have the option to choose :

  • A role Ex: HR , Manager, ... The person identified on this role when creating the onboarding team will have to perform this action.


  • A person directly Ex: Caroline Dupont The identified person will be concerned each time the task appears in an onboarding, even if they are not part of the onboarding team.


When the program team is created, each person will be assigned the actions that concern them.

These persons will receive an email summarizing all the tasks that await them, including the actions that you have just set up. These actions are also found in the program of action recipients.