How to create a survey ?

Where to create a survey?

  • Go to Resources
  • Click on Surveys

Steps to create a survey


Choose the name of the survey and the "supervisor" roles. That is, the roles that will have access to the answers and will be notified when a user completes the survey.


  • Choose whether you want to assign this survey to a program (Onboarding / Offboarding) or to all users of the platform (internal surveys).
  • Assigning the questionnaire: choose the person who will have to answer the survey (e.g. onboardee, manager, sponsor).
  • Target specific scopes to which the survey should be addressed

(filter by offices, contracts, departments, professions).



  • Add questions
  • Several types of answers are possible
    • Single answer: MCQ with only one possible answer
    • Multiple answer: MCQ with several possible answers 

In these two cases, your choices of answer will be written in the box provided for this purpose and separated by a comma.

  • Text answer
  • Satisfaction scale :
  • NPS: from 0 to 10
  • Emojis: 4 gradual emotions.
  • Yes / No type of answer.
  • Possibility to make the answers compulsory or not

Check the box provided for this purpose

Logical jumps

You have the possibility to send the user to different questions depending on his answer to the previous question.

Example: Q1: Would you like to subscribe to the health plan?

  • Yes → Then upload your membership form
  • No → End of the questionnaire


  • Choose the date and time to start the survey
  • Possibility to close this survey for new respondents if enough respondents have been collected and you do not want the numbers in the results to change, for example.
  • Select "Save as draft" if you are not sure about the settings and want to come back later to make changes.
  • Select "Schedule" if you think you have arrived at the final version of the survey.


  • View the results of the surveys on the platform
    • Overall, by question.
    • For a specific user, by selecting a desired user on the left.
  • Export the results in .CSV or .XLSX format by clicking on the "Export" button.
  • Filter the results by departments or offices, by clicking the "Add" button next to the filters.