How to create a nudge?

Tutorial: Creating a nudge

Where to create a nudge resource?

  • Go to Resources
  • Click on Nudges
  • To :
    • Edit: click on the resource you are interested in
    • Add: click on the Add button


Nudge Resource Settings:

Fill in the fields:

  • Name
  • Message of the nudge
  • Person initiating the challenge
  • Person receiving the challenge
  • Date of submission of the challenge (date by which the resource must be proposed)
  • Time to complete the challenge after acceptance
  • Select the program concerned.
  • Select the filters according to the program (for which type of profiles the resource will have to be realized)
  • Click on "Add".



When the program team is created, each person will be assigned the resources that concern them.

These persons will receive an email summarizing all the tasks that await them, including the nudges that you have just set up. These nudges are also found in the program of action recipients.

Nudges are kind of challenges that are sent in the HeyTeam Chat. The person who receives them can accept the nudge: an action then appears on their dashboard, or refuse it and they then receive a message indicating that we will come back later with other proposals.