Export HeyTeam Data

On HeyTeam, you can export data about programs and platform usage.

More specifically:

  1. Export data about each onboardee (Contact information, program participants, completion percentage...).
  2. Export data about the actions related to the onboarding programs (type of action, completed or not, recipient, date of completion...).

Tutorial: Data analysis

How to access this ?

In the "Data analysis" section in the Settings :

2 sub-menus:

  • Programs : 

  • Resources :


What data can be exported in the Programs section?

Export: Program - Data

  • ✅Last name
  • ✅First name
  • ✅Status (draft / in progress / completed)
  • ✅User status (Active / Pending / Inactive / Deleted)
  • ✅ % of program completion
  • ✅Professional email (if not filled in → "-")
  • ✅Personal email
  • ✅Phone number (✅if not filled in → "-")
  • ✅Course creation date
  • ✅Key date
  • ✅Trial period end date (only if "Onboarding" type program)
  • ✅Renewed trial period end date (only if "Onboarding" type program)
  • ✅End date of contract
  • Office
  • Department
  • Position
  • Contract
  • ✅First Name - (Role 1 Name)
  • ✅Last name - (Name of Role 1)
  • ✅Email - (Name of Role 1)
  • ✅First Name - (Role 2 Name)
  • ✅Last Name - (Role 2 Name)
  • ✅Email - (Name of Role 2)
  • ✅First Name - (Role 3 Name)
  • ✅Last Name - (Role 3 Name)
  • ✅Email - (Name of Role 3)

→ And so on depending on the number of participants in the program

Date of last login on the platform

What data can be exported in the Actions section?

Export : Actions

  • ✅Onboardee Email
  • ✅Onboardee Status (active / pending / inactive / deleted)
  • ✅Onboardee Last Name
  • ✅Onboardee First name
  • ✅Office
  • ✅Department
  • ✅Position
  • ✅Contract
  • ✅Name of the action (title, e.g.: signing your contract)
  • ✅Type of action (questionnaire / quiz / administrative document to download...)
  • ✅Email of the action recipient (the one who has to perform the action, onboardee, manager, HR...)
  • ✅Role of the action recipient (onboardee / manager / equipment manager, etc).
  • Status of the action (completed / not completed / not completed and overdue).
  • ✅Expected date of delivery
  • ✅Action completion date

Pay attention to give the right authorization to the users who can benefit from this page

  • The new authorization → "Data analysis" is accessible in Settings > Roles > Authorizations > "platform configuration", between "Integration" and "Security and privacy". Data analysis --> Allows you to export all the data from users' programs.