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  3. Release Note - October 19th 2022

Evolution regarding the functioning of events

The switch from professional email to personal email has been reviewed to improve the process regarding events.

When you set up an event on HeyTeam, which is a feature that allows you to add a slot in the google / outlook calendar of the employee or another stakeholder (HR / Manager ...), you will have to select the participants. 

Participants will receive an email inviting them to the event, and when they receive this email, the event will be added to their calendar (outlook or google). 

However, this process had to be reviewed because the event was sometimes sent to the personal calendars of employees because their main email address on HeyTeam was their personal email address (for example before the employee's arrival). 

From now on, the process will work as follows:

  • The invitation email to the event is sent to the non-onboarded stakeholders (HR / Manager) at the date in the event's settings

  • The invitation email is not sent to onboardees until the switch (date when the transition is made to their professional email address (usually after arrival)) has been made. 
  • Once the switch is made, the invitation email will be sent to the new employee's professional email address and calendar only.