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Administrative requierements

The administrative requierements are part of the HeyTeam resources that make up the programs.

They allow the employee to upload all of his or her administrative documents (bank details, health insurance card, work contract, etc.) to the tool.

What is the "Administrative requierements" resource?

The resource includes all the administrative documents that will be requested on the platform.

Ex: Bank information - Telephone number - Address ...

This information is requested from the first connection in order to complete the user's profile. If he/she does not have the possibility to complete everything at that moment, they can always do it later from the dashboard in the Complete my file box.

By clicking on the Complete my file box, the onboardee will be able to complete all the administrative documents that he/she was not able to finalize during his/her first connection.

What are the different types of administrative documents?

  • Short text
  • Long text
    1. Document (PDF, Word, image...): This type of administrative document will appear on the onboardee's screen in the form of a field in which he can upload his document Ex: Diploma. For this type of document, the administrator can impose the format type (PDF, word, excel, png...) as well as the maximum file size (2Mb, 5Mb, 10Mb) to import on the platform.
    2. Document to complete: On the administrator side, you will be able to indicate the fields that can be typed in the document. The onboardee will then be able to complete them directly from the interface.
    3. Document to sign: On the administrator's side, an additional field will be requested when creating this resource, to import the document to be signed by the onboardee. The onboardee will then sign the document imported by the administrator with HelloSign.
  • Date
    1. Only one choice possible: The administrator can add as many options as desired. The onboardee will be able to select only one (Ex: Choice of cell phone: Samsung, Iphone, Huawei).
    2. Multiple choices: The administrator can add as many options as desired. The onboardee can select several.
  • Address