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Who are we?

HeyTeam's story and where we are today 🎉


HeyTeam enables companies to deliver an engaging and personalized employee experience across the entire journey from onboarding to offboarding.

"When I was managing Cafeyn between 2007 and 2017, the digital newsstand I co-founded, I was faced with an HR issue: onboarding new employees.


The management committee


Facing significant growth, we recruited hundreds of people simultaneously. But the only tools available at the time were excel spreadsheets or static, transactional HRIS tools, focused on administrative tasks, not allowing any communication with the employees. I realized that a solution was needed to manage the onboarding of many employees and to offer an engaging employee experience that builds loyalty.

So I decided to create this solution! I had the idea and the ambition, but I needed a tech expert to make it happen. That’s how Tony Caron joined me and we brought it to life."

Nathaniel Philippe, HeyTeam CEO. 




It all started with a simple observation:

Our belief:

The future of work requires adaptation and personalization

  • Knowing how to adapt to new ways of working (hybrid) 
  • Personalizing the experience, according to each person, each entity, each situation.