How to create and set up a role?

Tutorial: Managing roles and authorizations

How to create (or modify) a role?

Step 1: Click on the "Create a role" button in the Settings page

From the "Role" page, you can click on one of the available roles to modify it.

You can rename the role and add a description (optional).

Please note: the default roles (Manager, Administrative Manager, Equipment Manager...) cannot be renamed or deleted, only the custom roles added by the company can be.

Step 2: Choose the role name (mandatory) and add a short description (optional)

Step 3: Determine the authorizations associated with this role

You have the ability to set all the authorizations associated with this role on this "Authorizations" page.

You can set:

  • Page access: Restricting or not the access to the company and team pages.
  • Customization of the dashboard: Choose the blocks to display
  • User profile view: choose the blocks that are displayed when this role consults the user profile
  • Platform configuration: Define the authorizations related to the platform configuration (Onboarding management, etc.)
  • Resource configuration: Define which types of resources the role can view and set up
  • Program access configuration: Define if the role can see the employee's actions on his onboarding program, if he can see all the actions related to the program. Define precisely what he can do on these actions (consult, assign, delete, modify, validate).

Step 4: Add the users who will be affiliated to this role. To do this, click on the "Promote a user" button and select the users concerned

That's it! Your new role is created and the users who will be affiliated with it will have the configured authorizations.