How to create an event?

Tutorial : Creating an event

Where to create an event resource?

  • Go to Resources
  • Click on Events

To :

    • Edit: click on the resource you are interested in
    • Add: click on the Add button

Parameters of the event resource:

Fill in the fields :

  • Name
  • Description
  • The video conference link (optional)
  • Content of the invitation email
  • The organizer
  • The location of the event (optional)
  • The / The participants of the event
  • Select the program concerned.
    • Select the filters according to the program (for which type of profiles the resource will be made)
  • Determine the date on which the resource should be made and the date on which the invitation should be received. Apply the time zone of your choice or adapt the time of the event to the time zone of the user.
  • Click on "Add".



When the program team is created, each person will be assigned the resources that concern them.

These persons will receive an email summarizing all the tasks that await them, including the event resources that you have just set up. These event-type resources are also found in the action recipient program.

BONUS TIP ⭐: If your company has the Gsuite connector you can automatically generate a video conference link here:

How to generate a GoogleMeet link?

Tutorial: Generating a GoogleMeet link : 

If you are using Gsuite (with events enabled):

Then an on/off button allows you to generate an automatic meet link. Once activated, a new text field is available in the event parameters where you can add a googlemeet link manually. For users, the video conference link is displayed in the text of the email.