How to create a document?

Where to create a document resource?

  • Go to Resources
  • Click on Documents

    • To edit: click on the resource you are interested in
    • To add a new one: click on the Add button

Parameters of the document resource:

Fill in the fields :

  • Name
  • Description
  • Import your file

  • Select the program concerned.
    • Select the filters according to the program (for which type of profiles the resource will be made)
  • You can activate or not the retroactivity (If it is activated the resource will be added or updated on the program of a collaborator, even if it has already started).

  • Determine the date when the resource should be given (due date)
  • Determine the date when the resource is available/visible by the collaborator.
  • Click on "Add".

How does it look likes on the new joiners side ?